I'm having trouble during MAP Testing

There are a number of things that can go wrong during a MAP testing session. Here are some of the most common and how to resolve them.


My screen is frozen or I just see a white screen

Press: Control+Option+Shift+K+Power in order to restart the browser

When you start NWEA again make sure your VPN is OFF

If this is NOT working, please try this: Control+Option+Shift+K+Power.


check Network Proxy:

  • Click WiFi icon - Open Network Preferences - Advanced - Proxies - Uncheck all - click OK - click Apply.

  • Open the browser to try again.

My Wifi is giving problems

If you are logged out of NWEA during the MAP test, please send a message to the MAP team of your section and IT will restart your session without you losing information.
Don't worry, your MAP test progress will be auto saved even if anything unexpected happens and your test can be resumed by proctors.
e.g. You lost connection while you are working on Question 30, after you come back, you will still on Question 30, all of your finished answers are saved automatically.
Q: How do I know I lost the connection?
A: What you will see is that you can not go to next question by clicking "Next".
Q: What should I do if I lost the connection?
A: Please quit the browser, re-open it, contact support and the proctor will confirm you and let you keep going.

I need IT help

A meeting link to get support will be created in "ES/MS/HS MAP Testing Tech. Support" - General channel on the MAP testing days - go to the channel of your school section

I don't have the session name and password:

The test codes will be published on the "ES/MS/HS MAP Testing Tech. Support" - General channel 10 minutes before the sessions start.

Other problems

If you get any one of the following problems, please contact IT Support and we will confirm you can keep going.

  1. I can not see my name after login.
  2. My session is incorrect.
  3. I am paused. (This is related to “Rapid Guess”).
  4. I was forcedly quit back to the login window.
  5. The Browser quit unexpected suddenly.


How do I know I finished this session successfully?

You will be pointed to the login window.

Where can we get support?

Please go to Teams “MS MAP Testing - Tech Support” - General Channel - find the meeting link and join. The Link will be posted very soon.

Additionally, if you have difficulty joining the meeting, please feel free to send Teams chat message to Mr. Yonglei Ma or Mr. Willis Yang as a backup option.


  • Last Updated May 19, 2022
  • Views 290
  • Answered By Luna

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