System Requirements for MAP Testing

In order for the MAP testing to be efficient you need certain minimum requirements for your computer and your internet connection.

Please check the requirements below and contact the IT department if you have any further questions.


Network Bandwidth
The following bandwidth recommendations are based on best-estimate calculations. Test sites that do not meet these recommendations will be able to deliver assessments, but they may experience delays.

  • Grades 6+ testing—2 Mbps for every 30 computers concurrently testing on campus
  • Grades 6+ testing—200Kbps for every single computer testing on home WiFi

Note: Additional bandwidth is needed at the beginning of each MAP Growth assessment.
The initial load is approximately 2.2 MB, and the load time varies based on available bandwidth. 

Internet Speed Test

To perform an internet speed test, use a website such as and select Portland, Oregon (the primary location of NWEA servers). 

Secure testing

As a best practice, use NWEA secure testing browsers and apps (also called "Lockdown Browser") for MAP Growth testing. With proper setup, these tools prevent students from accessing other websites.



Operating System

Secure Testing Tool


MacOS® v10.12 to 10.15

NWEA secure browser for Mac, or higher

See Mac Setup


iOS 11 to 12 and iPadOS 13

For MAP Growth, use NWEA Secure Testing App, 3.2 or higher —See iPad setup

For MAP Reading Fluency™, use Reading Fluency Secure Testing App, most recent version (updated regularly—check the maintenance dates and NWEA status page)

  • Last Updated May 13, 2022
  • Views 337
  • Answered By Luna

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