Can parents use Overdrive / Sora?

Yes parents can use Overdrive/Sora. 

Both apps have the same books, it's just a different interface with Sora being more student friendly.

This application allows our community to access and read / listen to eBooks or audiobooks via their computer or a device.


Because Parents do not have a personal WAB password, the way around giving them access to WAB's  Overdrive/Sora library (eBooks/audiobooks) is by parents using their email (the one in Powerschool) and generic password: wabtiger

They can change that password once they have logged in. However, we upload twice a year with all the data and so even if a parent changed their wabtiger password, they will now have to use wabtiger again and change it to their own choice again...or just leave wabtiger.

Both apps have the same books, it's just a different interface with Sora being more student friendly.

Parents need to login to Overdrive / Sora by selecting: Western Academy of Beijing Parent Access: 

overdrive parent choice  


  • Last Updated Oct 06, 2021
  • Views 565
  • Answered By Luna

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