What online reading resources are available at WAB?

WAB subscribes to the Overdrive platform and has bought numerous eBooks and Audiobooks that can be accessed via the Overdrive or Sora Apps. 

In addition we have Kindles and iShuffles in the Middle School Library


For instructions on how to download these please visit our guide

The Middle School has a supply of Kindles and iShuffles onto which eBooks and AudioBooks can be loaded on request. The equipment is then loaned out to patrons following the signing of a permission and waiver form by the parents. A list of books can be found here. 

The Elementary School has a subscription to Capstone Interactive library

The High School subscribes to numerous texts through their databases. 

Some of our teachers have an Epic educator account and students can access books through their classroom code during school hours. For after-school access please contact your teacher / librarian for set-up instructions. 


  • Last Updated Aug 18, 2021
  • Views 119
  • Answered By Luna

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